The First Step…

“We can make clothes; we can grow food; water filters can produce clean water over the course of decades before they give out. It’s quite difficult though to make a pair of durable shoes. And for many children around the world, a pair of shoes can be the difference between a hopeful future or a bleak one.”

Many of us can’t imagine what it’s like to go barefoot. In many areas, it’s a serious health issue that can lead to parasitic worms, hypothermia, or even ebola (“Importance of a Healty Sole” - Samaritan’s Feet)

It isn’t just hygenic. As those participating in “A Day Without Shoes” can attest, the ostracization and social stigma can be paralyzing (“Life Without Shoes Stinks” - Compassion International). It can affect your ability to shop, ride public transportation, or even travel to visit family or look for work.

Shoes that Fit

Being barefoot is far from the only issue that faces children when it comes to footwear - it’s estimated that over 65% of children in America go to school in shoes too small.

It’s important not to guess with your child’s shoe size; shoes too small can cause foot and posture problems, and is one of the main causes of bunions.

Instead, measure your child’s feet with the appropriate tool - and measure them both. If the feet are different sizes, go with the larger one. Different brands will fit differently, and children won’t always be able to feel if shoes are too tight, so try them on if at all possible. If you’re not sure between sizes, you will almost always want to go with the larger one, since your child’s feet can only get bigger.

Even if you aren’t able to buy multiple pairs of shoes in a year, it’s a good idea to measure you'r child’s feet every couple of months so you’re aware of changes before you even go shopping.

For more information, this foot and ankle clinic has a fantastic guide to finding the right shoes for your child!

Support for Communities

Each year since 2018 we have made sure that every student at Bridgeport Public Schools has a new, fitting pair of sneakers. That’s nearly 2,000 pairs of shoes, and we are just getting started.

By partnering directly with shoe manufacturers, we hope to expand our reach to schools across Nebraska and the tri-state region.

But we are also residents of this small town, and we do a lot to make it a great place to live. If you see us around, say hi. That’s the best reward we can ask for.